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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

"Do whatever He tells you" John 2:5

Phonics & Reading Scheme

Phonics videos

Click on the following link to access the video tutorials providing information about phonics. Please watch them for information about :

  • what phonics is
  • how to enunciate the sounds
  • to find out how phonics is taught at CTK.

Click here for phonics videos.

Phonics at Christ the King

Phonics is taught daily at Christ the King and we follow the Lancashire Red Rose phonics scheme. The intent behind Red Rose Letters and Sounds is to provide a rigorous and thorough planning programme in order to strengthen the teaching and learning of phonics, and ensure children become enthusiastic and successful readers and writers.

The programme provides a clear route with daily sessions and a very rigorous approach through Phases 2-5 with a strong and swift start in Reception and a trajectory of learning to meet, and exceed, the expected standard in the Y1 Phonics Screening Check. Children in Reception begin the programme on entry to school. 

Reading at Christ the King

Click here for information about reading

Our Classrooms