Catholic Life at Christ the King
Our Catholic Faith is fundamental in the life of the school and permeates through all that we do.
Our Parish Priest - Fr David Featherstone- visits our school regularly and celebrates Mass and Liturgies on a number of occasions throughout the school year.
Whole school Celebration of the Word is held on Monday and Tuesday mornings and Class Celebration of the Word is held every Thursday and Friday morning. The School's Chaplaincy team support /lead whole school and class Celebration of the Word. Through our acts of Worship, whether in groups, classes, whole school or Parish, we aim to provide a pathway for our children to grow spiritually. We aim to not only provide religious knowledge for the children but also the opportunity to experience and grow in our active Christian community, where the Catholic Faith is witnessed in the life of the school and where we closely follow the example of Jesus.
We work very closely with parents, catechists and The Parish of the Good Samaritan in preparing our children for the First Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.
While there is a legal right for parents to request that their children are withdrawn from Religious Education or collective worship, the Governors expect all parents to understand, before applying for a place, that worship and the teaching of Religious Education are essential and integral parts of the life of our school. No alternative provision is made at this time. However, the Governors recognise their responsibilities in law and parents with a concern may discuss matters with them.
Home and School links
Wednesday Word - Children's Area
Click below for your copy
Wednesday Word - 8th January 2025
Wednesday Word - 15th January 2025
Wednesday Word - 22nd January 2025
Wednesday Word - 29th January 2025
2024 copies
Wednesday Word - 4th September
Wednesday Word - 11th September
Wednesday Word - 18th September
Wednesday Word - 25th September
Wednesday Word - 16th October 23rd October 30th October (Half term special)
Wednesday Word - 20th November
Wednesday Word - Christmas special
Class Prayer Bags
All classes have their own Prayer Bag and all children will get a chance to take the bag home. Inside the bag, children will find items to allow them to set up their own special area in their home that will allow for special prayer time, on their own or with their family. Children are encouraged to light a candle (battery operated) as a sign of Jesus' presence.
Items inside the bag include;
- Candle
- Prayer cloth
- Copies of school prayers
- Wooden cross
- Rosary beads
- Bible
- Wednesday Word
- Prayer book/diary
As part of their experience, we encourage children (with the support of an adult) to complete the prayer diary. Children can record their thoughts, feelings or write a recount of how they set up their special area or they may wish to write a special prayer intention. We would also really love to see photographs in the diary too so children can share their experiences with the class the following week.