School Chaplaincy Team
Jesus is calling you to be a disciple with a mission
"Go, do not be afraid, and serve". Pope Francis 2013.
This role is to support the Catholic Life and Mission of the School.
Pupils will be entrusted with the responsibility of:
- Giving joyful witness of Christ in their school – missionary disciples.
- Providing support in the delivery of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all pupils across the curriculum.
- Assisting with the Sacramental programme.
- Peer pastoral care – building on the good practice in your school.
- Assisting with the delivery and development of the prayer life of the school supporting assemblies, worship, class prayer times and prayer groups.
- Assisting with developing and leading retreat experiences for pupils.
- Developing and leading social justice activities in your school.
- Developing the use of the chapel/prayer room/sacred spaces or areas.
- Being present on parents and opening evenings to help with the welcome of all the community.
- Developing outreach work and supporting local, national and international charities – Caritas Diocese of Salford, CAFOD working for change – being the change makers.
Click here to view our Chaplaincy guide
The Holy Rosary
During the month of October, our chaplains will lead Rosary sessions in our outside prayer classroom.
The children are extremely passionate about their role and are looking forward to leading prayer with the other children and their parents this month.
Remembrance 2024
Our chaplains led a beautiful assembly on Remembrance day. The children came into the hall in silence placing poppies and prayers on our display. Children listened respectfully as the Chaplains talked about life as a solider. We even got the chance to listen to Tommy and Janey's Great Grandfather sending a message home to his family. It was humbling listening to the assembly and reading the children's prayers. These are now displayed in the school entrance.
Christmas Nativity sessions
During Advent, our chaplains spent their lunchtimes delivering some very special reading sessions with our younger children. Through role play, they re-enacted the Nativity story and as you can see the children really enjoyed themselves.